President’s Report for December

Well fellow FOAMers, this is my last post as president. Everyone be sure to congratulate David Thompson tomorrow night at the Holiday Party.

Speaking of the holiday party, I’m very much looking forward to seeing everyone. This year we are having our party at the Cherry Street Kitchen. The name is misleading, is it is actually downtown. Because it’s in the evening and in the part of downtown that isn’t as “happen’n”, parking shouldn’t be too much of an issue. The fun starts at 6pm.

We will have a raffle and we have lots of exciting giveaways. You will purchase tickets for the specific item you are interested in, so no getting that t-shirt you’ll never wear. Tickets are $1 or $12/10.


FOAM Reverse Pro-am

Don’t forget to about the January Club Competition! It’s a revers pro-am.  This is where we take a commercial scale beer from a local brewery and downscale it to a 5-10 gallon batch and then we have the brewers from that brewery come to our January meeting and judge them. This year we are going to downscale McNellie’s Pub Ale from Marshall Brewing Company.  You can download the full scale recipe here. It’s not too late to brew yours!

FOAM Cup Revenue

FOAM Cup was a great success this year. We had 500 entries and all were judged with very few hitches. We are looking into scheduling a BJCP Study Group for 2023, depending on when we can get a tasting exam scheduled. We made a Profit of $760.20. The estimated revenue was $460. I will post a more detailed report next week.

I can’t really think of anything else to say at the moment, so I guess I’ll see everyone at the party tomorrow night!

Desiree Knott
FOAM President