Officers present at the January meeting:
Marion Gooding – President
Valerie Grogan – VP Memberships
Desiree Knott – VP Communications
Solomon Torluemke – VP Events
Gary Elliott – VP Competitions
Travis Kirby – Treasurer
Whitney Ludwig – Webmaster
Marion Gooding brought the meeting to order.
Prior to officer reports Pete Polczynski brought a motion to the floor to reimburse High Gravity for the use of their Taproom for the Christmas Party. High Gravity did not charge an event fee for the event and Pete felt that was not appropriate as the club willingly pays other venues for the use of their facilities and felt High Gravity was being taken advantage of. Based on previous year’s budgets, which allotted $1500 for event space rental, it was suggested that FOAM present High Gravity a check for $1000.
Marion Gooding seconded the motion. There were also members that third, forth and fifthed the motion.
A voice vote was taken with a ponderous of Yay votes. There were no Nay votes and the motion was passed.
Officer reports:
Marion Gooding, President, introduced officers for their reports.
Travis Kirby, treasurer, reported a bank balance of $4556.31, which included $368.05 raised at the Christmas party and $201.51 in membership dues. This balance did not include the the $1000 that was voted on or a payment to High Gravity for funds spent for FOAM Cup.
Whitney Ludwig, webmaster, brought up the fact that memberships are going to start coming due and that members with cards that are expiring will need to get that information updated before the dues are taken out.
Gary Elliot, VP Competitions, went over all the upcoming competitions. You can refer to his posts for more details. A brief discussion was had over the club participating in Club Night at this year’s Homebrew Con, to be held in Nashville in June. Look for more on that as he knows more.
Solomon Torluemke, VP Events, went over known events that are coming in 2020. You can refer to his post for details.
Desiree Knott, VP Communications, discussed the emails that are sent to the club and suggested that if you aren’t receiving them it could be because your membership has lapsed. Reminded everyone that their membership information is that bottom of every email that she send out.
Valerie Grogan, VP Memberships, reminded everyone to sign in to the meeting if they hadn’t already and asked new members/guests to introduce themselves.
Old Business
There was no old business to go over.
New Business
There was no new business introduced.
Meeting closed.