Hello I am Cody Cannon an I am serving as the new VP of competitions.
I would first like to thank Gary Elliott for serving as VP he has left very big shoes to fill. I have a few quick reminders to send out about upcoming competitions.
IBU Open
Registration has opened for IBU open. This is a competition put on by the Iowa Brewers Union homebrew club. The competition is scheduled for entry shipment in early February of 2022 with judging occurring towards the end of that month. The competiton is filling up fast and there are 256 paid entries of 400 so far. If you plan on entering you should do so soon. This is a high plains competion and as such shipping will be covered by the club.
KCBM entries are closed entries should ship sometime mid January 2022 if you have entered please send me a message with the number of entries you have look for a firm date for bottles to be dropped of by in the near future.
Cody Cannon
I have entered the KCBM with the max entry of six different brews.
Thanks you
I will Write it down