Calling all FOAMers to help judge FOAM Cup

FOAM Cup judging starts this Sunday, the 12th, and goes thru Saturday, the 18th, with the awards banquet the evening of the 18th, starting at around 7pm.

We still need judges to ensure this competition goes smoothly and is a success.
If you haven’t signed up yet to help judge please do so as soon as possible. All beers have been checked in and I need to start creating tables, determine what days they should be judged, and assign judges. The more judges, the fewer days we have to judge. Remember, you do not have to have any experience to judge. You will be paired with a certified judged.

Please go to to register or update your account to enter your judging preferences.

If you registered an account to enter beers/meads/ciders, you do not need to create an account. The account used to enter is the same account used for setting judging preferences.

If you judged last year you do not need to create a new account. Login and go to account settings and select Edit Account. From there you can set the days you wish to help judge.

I’ve included a few videos for those of us who like visuals. 🙂

Video on editing existing FOAM Cup account.


Video on registering a FOAM Cup judging account


Video on editing judging preferences


Desiree Knott
FOAM Webmaster
FOAM Cup Organizer