President’s Report for November

Belgian Beer Night


Due to last minute issues with the church being available

Tomorrow’s meeting is NOT being held at Hope Unitarian. 
Instead, Valerie and Michael Grogan are opening their home to host our meeting..
Grogan Household
7418 E 87th St
Tulsa, OK 74134


Otherwise, it’s November and it’s time for one of our favorite meetings, Belgian Beer Night!

Bring your homebrewed versions to share with your fellow FOAMers. This is also the one meeting where we encourage bringing commercial examples. Many of these styles are higher on the ABV scale so I also encourage everyone to be responsible and make sure they have a means of getting home safely.

Officer Elections

November is the month we officially elect the officers for the next year. This year we have 1 contested seat for Treasurer between Tim McCracken and Michael Frederick.  A short speech and powerpoint presentation on each candidates qualifications will be expected  😉

President: David Thompson
VP Membership: Valerie Grogan
VP Communications: Justin Legg (New Officer!!!!)
VP Events: Ryan Friedl
VP Competitions: Cody Cannon
Treasurer: ????????
Webmaster: Desiree Knott


FOAM Cup judging starts this Sunday, the 12th, and goes thru Saturday, the 18th, with the awards banquet the evening of the 18th, starting at around 7pm.  If you haven’t signed up the time is now.


7:00-7:30 p.m. Doors open for set-up
7:30-8:00 p.m. Business Meeting
– Welcome and Introductions – David Thompson, FOAM President
– Officer’s Reports
– FOAM Cup Update
– Holiday Party
– Officers for 2024
– Open the floor for questions/announcements
8:00-9:20 p.m. – Drink those Belgian Beers!
9:20-9:30 p.m. Cleanup

Your friendly neighborhood beer club president
David Thompson