President’s Report: September 2020

Hello FOAMers, and welcome to September! The theme of this month’s meeting is “funky beers,” so bring your best examples to share. Brettanomyces, pediococcus, lactobacillus, open fermentation, coolship inoculation, kettle soured, there are so many ways to get funk in your trunk, and so many great styles surrounding this category.

With the ongoing pandemic restrictions, not much has changed with the club since last month. We’re still going to have our monthly meeting this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Dead Armadillo Brewery, where the Boneyard has enough space for the club to socially distance while still enjoying homebrew together. Masks are still required in this public space, even for this private event, for the health and security of all involved.

Don’t forget that October’s meeting is Oktoberfesticuffs competition, and it’s actually still not too late to brew a beer to put into the competition. Kveik yeast can quickly ferment and clarify wort into beer at garage temperatures with surprisingly clean results, even for the more particular Bavarian styles. Just make sure your mash water profile fits the style and you should have a crisp autumnal beer ready in a matter of a few weeks.

See you all at the Boneyard!


Marion Gooding
FOAM President