Hey Fellow FOAMers!
Are we ready for Oktoberfesticuffs?
This month’s meeting is our annual club competition that pits all the German brewing styles against each other. If you have a beer that you’d like to enter, you need to do it today!Right now it looks like we have 10 beers to judge!
Judging will be a people’s choice with an Official Munich Oktoberfest stein awarded to first, second, and third place. We also encourage members to bring a German dish to share with our fellow FOAMers.
These include the following beer styles:
- 3. Czech lagers
- 4a. Munich Helles
- 4b. Festbier
- 4c. Helles Bock
- 5A. German Leichtbier
- 5B. Kölsch
- 5C. German Helles Exportbier
- 5D. German Pils
- 6A. Märzen
- 6B. Rauchbier
- 6C. Dunkles Bock
- 7A. Vienna Lager
- 7B. Altbier
- 8A. Munich Dunkel
- 8B. Schwarzbier
- 9A. Doppelbock
- 9B. Eisbock
- 10A. Weissbier
- 10B. Dunkles Weissbier
- 10C. Weizenbock
Officer Nominations
October is also officer nominations. Currently we have the following officers willing to run again for 2023:
Ryan Friedl – VP Communications
Valerie Grogan – VP Membership
Travis Kirby – Treasurer
Cody Cannon – VP Competitions
Tim McCracken – VP Events
David Thompson is throwing in his hat for President. It’s been a long run and after being President for last 3 years, and President several years ago for 4 years, it’s time for me to step down. I will not be running for President for 2023.
Alex Long is also stepping down as Webmaster. If anyone would like to fill this position, please announce it at the meeting tomorrow. If no one runs I am willing to be webmaster as I’m intimately familiar with the website, but to be honest I’m looking forward to being Past President for awhile.
Of course all positions are open for nominations and I encourage any member that would like to run to throw their hat in as well. Nominations can be made at the meeting tomorrow night or you can send an email to officers@alemakers.org. Voting will be at the November meeting.
Registration is now open for this year’s FOAM Cup and spots are filling up fast! We’d like to see a big showing of FOAMers competing in this year’s competition. Go to https://foamcup.us to enter your beers!
FOAM Reverse Pro-am
The next club competition coming up is the Reverse Pro-am. This is where we take a commercial scale beer from a local brewery and downscale it to a 5-10 gallon batch and then we have the brewers from that brewery come to our January meeting and judge them. This year we are going to downscale a beer from Marshall Brewing Company. Be on the lookout in the next few weeks for an announcement on what Marshall beer we are going to use.
7:00-7:30 p.m. Doors open for set-up
7:30-8:00 p.m. Business Meeting
Welcome and Introductions – Desiree Knott, FOAM President
Officer’s Reports
– Old Business
– New Business
– Officer Nominations
– Announcements
8:00-9:20 p.m. – Judge those German Beers!
9:20-9:30 p.m. Cleanup
See everyone at Hope Church!
Desiree Knott
FOAM President