Greetings, fellow homebrewers. This is usually the monthly report where I would be inviting everyone in FOAM to celebrate the holidays together at our annual Christmas Party. However, this is not a normal year. Your club officers discussed the matter and agreed that due to the rising cases of COVID and the necessity of meetings to move indoors with the colder weather, that the club will not be hosting a Christmas party this year.
Furthermore, we have agreed that given the increased risk of viral spread at indoor events, FOAM will be suspending in-person meetings until such time as there is a general vaccine available to the public, a significant decline in active cases, or the ability to once again hold meetings outdoors with appropriate precautions in place.
This change also affects the nature of officer elections, which have always been held in person. I proposed that elections for officers for the year 2021 be suspended until such time as general membership can all convene, as we have every year past. A majority of officers voted to approve this motion on December 2, via Telegram.
It’s a bummer, yes. It’s not ideal, but then nothing about a pandemic is ideal. Thanks to all of you who continue your membership with FOAM during this downtime. We are committed to throwing the best Christmas party the club has ever seen…next year.
In the meantime, your officers are going to keep coming up with more innovative ways to keep the club active, including virtual tastings and events, Zoom seminars on technical topics, brewing gear, and homebrew techniques, etc… If you have any suggestions or ideas along these lines, please let us know at, or jump on the Telegram group and chat everyone up.
The most important thing to do during this time away from the club is the KEEP BREWING! Stock that cellar or beer closet so that when competitions begin again you’ll be ready to represent the Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers. Or at least have sweet kegs to put on the jockey box at meetings.
Until we meet again…Cheers!

FOAM President