Oktoberfesticuffs Registration

October is our Oktoberfesticuffs Club Competition and registration is open. Here’s the link to put in you entry: https://alemakers.org/competitions/club-competitions/oktoberfesticuffs/

Members are invited to enter their traditional German/Czech/Austrian beer, lager or ale (BJCP Styles 3 through 10). Limit is one entry per membership.
It is mandatory that you register your entry! No “walk in” entries will be allowed at the meeting! If you have any trouble with the registration form, please email the VP of Competitions at VP-Competitions@alemakers.org.

Winners will be decided by peoples choice. Any ties will be broken via coin toss.

There will be an award for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. This year’s prizes are official Munich Oktoberfest steins. First place gets first pick, second place picks the next and the one left goes to the third place winner.  GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE THAT’S ENTERING!


Desiree Knott
FOAM Webmaster
FOAM Cup Organizer