KCBM Competition Open for Entries!

Our friends at the Kansas City Bier Meisters (“KCBM”) have now opened their 2022 competition for entries!

The registration and entry page is kcbmcomp.com

Entry registration begins on Monday, November 1 at 8:00 AM CDT.

You will be limited to 6 entries ($10 fee each), but don’t wait! This competition is limited to 400 (paid) entries, and in 2 hours (as of this posting) they have 129 paid entries.

Brewers are not limited to one entry in each category and may enter each subcategory more than once, provided the beers/meads/ciders are not the same beer/mead/cider batch. They will only accept 12 oz bottles or cans. Caps are preferred but swing tops and corks are acceptable as long as the bottle will fit in a standard 12 oz long next box.

This one of the first High Plains competitions, and is a good way to get started on building up those High Plains points for yourself and your club.

Entries are due no later than Saturday, January 29, 2022. As this is a High Plains event, FOAM will pay for shipping entries. More details on shipping will follow.


Gary Elliott, VP Competitions