Time is flying by, and if you are interested in helping the club run the upcoming FOAM Cup competition, please let us know!
If you have not already registered an account, please do so at foamcup.us
During the registration process you will be asked to indicate your availability as a judge and/or steward.
If you have already registered, make sure that you’re logged in and go to the “Volunteers” tab on the website. Click on the “access your account” option and then edit your account information to indicate your availability for judging and or stewarding during the comp. This information can be modified at any time by editing your account information.
It is very important that we be fully staffed to ensure that this competition is the best it can be!
Even if you’re not a certified judge, please seriously consider signing up as a judge. This is a great way to see how FOAM Cup is run and how the Beer Judge Certification Program works. You will be paired with a certified judge who can assist you through the process. Our entrants expect good feedback on their beers, and here is a chance for you to ramp up your beer knowledge and also share what you know with others. Any judging experience translates to BJCP credits that can help you achieve certified (or higher) status in the future if you choose to go that route.
We also need stewards. The stewards work with the Head Steward to make sure our judges get the bottles they are to judge and keep the paperwork straight. Our stewards always have a great time, and have access to the same amenities as the judges, including the accumulation of BJCP credits.
Please let me know at vp-competitions@alemakers.org if you have any questions!
Gary Elliott, VP Competitions