Hello FOAMers! Here is schedule of events for the remainder of 2023. These dates are subject to change. If you have an idea for a tech talk, click the link to sign up and FOAM will pay for ingredients so that you can run the experiment and share the beer results with the club.
November 9th – FOAM Meeting: Belgian Beer
November 12-19 – FOAM Cup
November 23rd – No Meetup: Thanksgiving
December 2nd – FOAM Meeting: Christmas Party
December 28th – No Tech Talk
Past Events
April 9th – FOAM Meeting: Beer & Food Pairing
April 27th – Tech Talk Experiment No signups. Taproom Meetup at Pippin’s instead. Submit your ideas; FOAM will pay for ingredients to share the beer and results with the club!
April 29th – Iron Brewer
May 11th – FOAM Meeting: Malty Beer
May 19th – Conservation on Tap
May 25th – Taproom Meetup: Dancing Skeleton Meadery
June 2nd – Real Okie Beer Fest
June 8th – FOAM Meeting: Hoppy Beer
June 22nd – Tech Talk Experiment Submit your ideas; FOAM will pay for ingredients to share the beer and results with the club!
July 13th – FOAM Meeting: Iron Brewer Judging
July 27th – Taproom Meetup: Pippin’s Taproom
August 10th – FOAM Meeting: Mead
August 24th – Hop Sampler Tech Talk
August 26th – Wildbrew
September 9th – FOAM Cookout, potluck hosted by Tim McCracken
September 14th – FOAM Meeting: Funky Beer
September 28th – Taproom Meetup: to be chosen by July’s taproom meetup attendees
October 12th – FOAM Meeting: Oktoberfesticuffs
October 26th – Tech Talk Experiment
Edited on 11/4/23 to move events that have passed.
Edited on 9/11/23 to move events that have passed, narrowed dates for FOAM Cup and added date for Christmas Party.
Edited on 8/6/23 to move events that have passed, August Tech Talk, Cookout in place of TCBI.
Edited on 6/6/23 to move events that have passed.
Edited on 5/15/23 to move events that have passed.
Edited on 4/27/23 the April 27th Taproom Meetup and added August 26th date for Wildbrew.