Tulsa State Fair.
Big shout out to Mac “The Butcher” for keeping the coveted Golden Corndog (BOS) within the club. He officially has bragging rights for the year.
21 out of 31 ribbons were won by FOAM members. We kindly let some of the REB guys have a few. Congrats to all.
Sowers Cup awards ceremony is next weekend 10/12. I will update when winners are announced.
Hoppy Halloween registration is open. Take in (High Gravity) and Registration close is Sunday 10/13.
Oktoberfesticuffs is next Thursday if you haven’t contacted me about entering please do so Immediately. Same sweet trophies as last year.
I currently have:
Mac “The Butcher”
Peter Polczynski
Cody Cannon
Ryan Friedl
Darren Vaughn
Gary Elliott
David Thompson