President’s Report: June 2020

Hello FOAMers,

Welcome to another month of 2020. We all hope things are starting to get better, just in time for summer. As Oklahoma is into Phase 3 of reopening, your FOAM officers have decided that we can provide a proper club meeting this month to anyone who would care to join. The meeting will be help at the regular time (7-9:30 p.m.) but instead of meeting at Hope, we’ll be meeting at Dead Armadillo (4th and Madison) because the expansive biergarten will help us to accommodate everyone while providing an outdoor space where better social distancing will be possible.

In keeping with CDC recommendations, we are putting some common sense policies into place for the foreseeable future. Desiree already mentioned them in her report and I hope, whatever your feelings may be about the current situation, that you abide by them to the best of your ability out of courtesy and care for others. Also, if you consider yourself at-risk due to pre-existing conditions, or if you are running any fever, or experiencing a cough or other symptoms, as with any illness, please do not attend the meeting.

This month’s meeting will be a test run to see how everything goes and gauge success for future meetings. This is all a work in progress in the face of unprecedented times for our club. If you have any concerns or recommendations, please let us know at I’m looking forward to seeing you all.


Marion Gooding
President of FOAM