President’s Report for September

Well things are getting crazy around here!

The Tulsa Craft Beer Invitational is just two days away. Things are on track. Are you ready?!

Tonight’s meeting will be held at High Gravity so we can go over logistics and hopefully use some hands to help with merchandise. Right now we are at 400ish tickets.

There a few things on tonight’s agenda that are not related to the festival.

First, September is the first month that we start officer nominations. If you or another member would like to run for office, please nominate them or have them nominate you!

Here’s an overview of the officer responsibilities:

President:  The President shall coordinate and supervise the total FOAM program and preside at General, Special, and Executive Board meetings. President is responsible for club outreach and interaction with breweries, festivals, and other clubs. The President is obligated to enforce the Constitution, its by-laws, and Rules of Procedure, approve the expenditures of the Treasurer, and perform other duties as needed to accomplish the goals of FOAM. The President is an ex-officio voting member of all committees except the Nominations and Election Committees. The President shall retain one original signed copy of the Constitution.
VP-Communications: The VP of Communication is responsible for Meeting Minutes, Officer Minutes, Archives. This role would also encompass managing and using social media tools the club has access to, such as, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, photographing and live posting club events.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain all financial FOAM records, conduct appropriate correspondence, receive all funds, and make disbursements with the guidance and approval of the President or Executive Board, prepare and keep records of all transactions in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), deliver a monthly financial report to the Editor for publication, and make budget recommendations to the Executive Board as provided for in Article VIII. The Treasurer shall retain one original signed copy of the Constitution.
VP-Membership: VP of Membership is responsible for receiving and notating dues, resolving membership issues, connecting with new members, new membership campaigns, and continued interaction with club members via social media.
Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining the club website as approved by the Executive Board. FOAM will fund and provide a registered domain for the Webmaster to use for posting electronic information to further club goals set forth by the President, Executive Board, and general membership.
VP-Competitions: The VP of Competitions shall be responsible for promoting and facilitating the participation of FOAM members in local, regional, and national homebrewing competitions. Duties shall include: working with competitors to improve results for FOAM; helping competitors to use FOAM assets to prepare competition entries; devising and managing fun, challenging, and educational brewing events to promote greater competition participation; providing FOAM members with advance information about forthcoming competitions; assuring that entries are collected and shipped to selected competitions; and promoting FOAM Cup, Big Brew, Mead Day, and other AHA and FOAM brewing activities.
VP-Events: VP of Events is responsible for managing the logistics of event coordination. The events would include, but may not be limited to FOAM Picnic, BJCP study groups, the various festivals that the club participates heavily in (First Draft, Sip for Sight, New Leaf, Lagerhead, Real Okie Beerfest, WildBrew, HarvestFest), as well as be a resource to interface with High Gravity in assisting the FOAM Cup, and finally, The Christmas Party.

The second item on the agenda is finding a new place for FOAM to conduct meetings. It looks like Hope Church is out of the picture for the foreseeable future. While it’s been nice having the breweries as a backup, it’s not the best atmosphere to hold a meeting. Members should start brainstorming on possible locations.

I know this is a short post, but as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s been hectic.

See everyone tonight!

See you FOAMers tonight!

Desiree Knott
FOAM President