Belgian Beer Night
Well fellow FOAMers, it’s November and it’s time for one of our favorite meetings, Belgian Beer Night!
Belgian beers carry a special place in my heart. They were the first “styles” I discovered when I entered the world of craft beer. The variety and flavors are infinite and each brewery has their own version of what a Tripel, Dubbel, and Quad is. There are fruited Belgian beers. Sour Belgian beers. Funky Belgian beers. Simple Belgian beers. Complex Belgian beers. It’s such a wonderful world of beers to explore.
Bring your homebrewed versions to share with your fellow FOAMers. This is also the one meeting where we encourage bringing commercial examples. Many of these styles are higher on the ABV scale so I also encourage everyone to be responsible and make sure they have a means of getting home safely.
Officer Elections
November is the month we officially elect the officers for the next year. This year we do not have any contested seats so there will not be an election. Let me introduce you to the officers for 2023:
President: David Thompson
VP Membership: Valerie Grogan
VP Communications: Ryan Friedl
VP Events: Tim McCracken
VP Competitions: Cody Cannon
Treasurer: Travis Kirby
Webmaster: Desiree Knott
I was looking forward to just being Past President but no one stepped up to be webmaster and since I’m already intimately familiar with the site it seemed logical for me to take the position.
FOAM Cup is underway. Judging session start November 13th. We need judges. There will be a beer-flavors class on November 12th along with a session on judging beers. You do not have to be an experienced judge. We will pair you with certified judges. Go to to sign up as a judge. If you judged last year you already have an account on the site. Just Log in and choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.
FOAM Reverse Pro-am
The next club competition coming up is the Reverse Pro-am. This is where we take a commercial scale beer from a local brewery and downscale it to a 5-10 gallon batch and then we have the brewers from that brewery come to our January meeting and judge them. This year we are going to downscale McNellie’s Pub Ale from Marshall Brewing Company. You can download the full scale recipe here.
7:00-7:30 p.m. Doors open for set-up
7:30-8:00 p.m. Business Meeting
– Welcome and Introductions – Desiree Knott, FOAM President
– Officer’s Reports
– FOAM Cup Update
– Holiday Party
– Officers for 2023
– Open the floor for questions/announcements
8:00-9:20 p.m. – Drink those Belgian Beers!
9:20-9:30 p.m. Cleanup
See everyone at Hope Church!
Desiree Knott
FOAM President