It’s hot. Drink beer.
Please join us Thursday 7/11 on the hill for our July meeting on session beers. Bring your low ABV low mower/hoppy/british/etc. beers. We have a few brief announcements. Rex Thompson from the Wild Brew committee has a few words of gratitude for us for last years participation. Don’t forget next month is mead month and this years mead judging. Special ingredient is Nutmeg.
Wild brew 8/24
Style of the Month : Session Beers
7:00-7:30 p.m. Doors open for set-up
7:30-8:00 p.m. Business Meeting
Welcome and Introductions – David Thompson, FOAM President
Officer’s Reports
– Old Business
– New Business
– Announcements
8:00-9:20 p.m. Socialize
9:20-9:30 p.m. Cleanup
Your friendly neighborhood beer club president
David Thompson