Oktoberfesticuffs, Taproom Meetup and FOAM Cup!

Desiree here! I’ve got updates for you fellow FOAMers and what the low-down is for the next several weeks for the Fellowship of Oklahoma Alemakers.

Fist up is our October meeting. October is our second annual Oktoberfesticuffs competition.  We have 8 entries for this year. Come and vote for your favorite German style (bragging rights on this one), while judges decide on the winner, who gets an engraved glass beer boot as a prize!

Bring a German side dish to go with the brats that FOAM is providing. This is one of our favorite meetings of year.  Don’t miss it!


Our October casual meetup for October is at Broken Arrow Brewing company on October 24th.  FOAMers are getting together from 5:30-8:30.


Don’t forget our November gatherings! Our regular meeting is Belgian Beer and the meetup is at Renaissance Brewing Company. Oh! One more thing. Get your beers entered into FOAM Cup. Judging is on Nov 8-9 and registration is now open! Click here to register.