Monthly Report for August 2021 – VP Competitions

As we swelter through the summer months, there’s also been a bit of a lull in High Plains competitions. However, we still have the Minnesota Mashout, Sower’s Cup, Hoppy Halloween and FOAM Cup to look forward to in the fall.

As of this writing, there is no information on the Minnesota Mashout, dates or otherwise. The Sower’s Cup judging is planned for October 15/16, and Hoppy Halloween sometime in October, but there has been no information on registration or entries. As soon as any of this information is available, I will share.

We have now scheduled FOAM Cup 2021 for November 19/20, 2021. You can register today at Entry registration begins on October 9 and entries are due by November 6. High Gravity will once again be the drop-off/shipping location. I am hoping that many of our FOAM members will enter this year so that we can have a good showing, and add to our High Plains Circuit standings (kind of low right now…).

As always, the club pays for shipping to any High Plains Circuit competitions (other than FOAM Cup of course). Drop off dates will be announces as information is available.

Gary Elliott, VP Competitions