Greetings, fellow homebrewers,
Well, here I am again, president of FOAM. 🙂 I’m happy to take the mantle but sad to see Marion leave Tulsa. He will be greatly missed. Marion did a lot for the club in his last few years with us. He help revise and modernize our officer roles, including adding a position managing memberships. Valerie has done a great job, even though this last year her duties were severely curtailed. Marion also encouraged us to get out of our of our comfort zone and partner with High Gravity to put on the Tulsa Craft Beer Invitational (TCBI), an event that will only grow and get bigger once we are able to restore a new normal. His energy set a new level of excitement and expectations for the club and it’s members. I up for the challenge to meet those expectations.
We had an officers meeting on Sunday, March 7th, three months late. Better late than never! Much was discussed and Ryan, our new VP Communications, will have the minutes posted soon.
We are going to move forward with holding monthly meetings again. March’s will be this Thursday the 11th, in the Dead Armadillo Boneyard. Setup starts at 7:00 with a short meeting at 7:30. We have some exciting changes to introduce to the club. Look for announcements for two new “titles”, FOAMer of the Year and FOAM Brewer of the Year, to be given at the end of the year for club participation and competition participation. We also plan on attempting Iron Brewer in May. Location is still being worked out. Judging would be at the July meeting.
I know there’s more I should be talking about but I’m going to call it for now.
See you FOAMers on Thursday!
Desiree Knott
FOAM President