Judging for KCBM Competition

As I mentioned at the January meeting, the Kansas City Bier Meisters will be judging their homebrew competition the week of Valentine’s day with the brunt of the judging on Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th. Kansas City always supports FOAM Cup and if it’s at all possible, I encourage fellow FOAMers to help judge and stewards their competition as a thank you. As a bonus, judging is once again going to be at KC Bier Co., one of my favorite breweries in KC!

They help us. We help them. If you would like to help, you can register on their comp website: https://kcbmcomp.com/

Kansas City is also a first round site the National Homebrew Competition. Judging will be April 21-22, 2023 and the Bier Meisters will need all the help they can get with that. There will be a lot of judging fatigue for them and if you need to choose between the two comps, you may want to hold off and help judge the NHC first round. When we have more information Cody Cannon, VP of Competitions, will let everyone know.

Cheers and I hope to see you in Kansas City!

Desiree Knott
FOAM Webmaster
FOAM Cup Organizer