Judges needed for FOAM Cup

Calling all FOAMers!!!

FOAM Cup is upon us. Judging starts on Sunday and we need all hands on deck.

If you haven’t registered to judge please go to the FOAM Cup website and register. Haven’t judged a beer before? No worries! We will help you! All new judges are paired with experienced judges to guide you through the process. You’ll feel like a pro in no time.

No beers entered into FOAM Cup?

If you do not have beers entered into FOAM Cup you will need to register an account on the FOAM cup website. Click here to go to the Judge registration page. Once your account is created you will be taken to the judging sessions. Indicate the sessions you are available for and save the settings.

Have beers entered into FOAM Cup?

If you have beers entered in FOAM Cup then you already have an account. Log in to your account on foamcup.us, click on your account icon and select Edit Account Info. Scroll down to the judging section and change the Judging to Yes. Select the dates you are available to judge, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Edit Account Info Button.

Judging Primer on Friday

If you are interested in judging but are too nervous to give it a go without knowing more, I will be giving a beer judging primer at High Gravity on Friday, November 12th starting at 6pm. We will go over the scoresheet layout and evaluate a few beers together. (Bring an appetite and support V’FRESCO, the food truck that will be at High Gravity!)

Judging Sessions and Dates

(All judging sessions take place at High Gravity)

Sunday, November 14
11/14/2021 5:00 PM, CST.

Monday, November 15
11/15/2021 6:00 PM, CST.

Tuesday, November 16
11/16/2021 6:00 PM, CST.

Thursday, November 18
11/18/2021 6:00 PM, CST.

Friday, November 19 (Dinner is provided on Friday Evening.)
11/19/2021 6:00 PM, CST.

Saturday AM, November 20 (Breakfast is provided for Saturday morning judges)
11/20/2021 9:00 AM, CST.

Saturday PM, November 20 (Lunch is provided for Saturday afternoon judges)
11/20/2021 1:00 PM, CST.

Desiree Knott
FOAM President
FOAM Cup Organizer