Get ready for FOAM Cup 2024

Hey there fellow FOAMers, Desiree here to remind everyone that FOAM Cup is going to be here before we know it.

It’s time to start brewing beers to enter! We haven’t held the FOAM Cup Club Title for 4 years! Let’s show the other clubs we have what it takes to win the most medals at this year’s FOAM Cup!

With High Gravity Fermentations out of the picture, we’ve had to make a few changes. Small Batch Brewtique doesn’t have a walk-in or the space the accept FOAM Cup entries so we looked elsewhere for a new hosting location. I contacted Tony with Dead Armadillo and told him we needed a new FOAM Cup host location and he was thrilled with the idea of using them. So I’m happy to announce entry drop-off, judging, and the awards ceremony will be held at Dead Armadillo.

Along with these changes comes a larger need for volunteers. Registration is now open for volunteering and we need FOAMers to help check in and organize entries, put medals together after judging, and someone to take on the role of prize coordinator.

As always we will need judges. Judging is the week before Thanksgiving, November 17-23.

If you’ve already registered on the FOAM cup website for previous years, you just need to login, go to your account settings and input the days you are able to help sort entries, judge, and sort medals.

Rule Change for 2024

Because we are reaching the FOAM Cup entry cap so quickly, making it difficult for those who aren’t competition focused to get any entries in, we implementing  a rule change for 2024. There will be a limit of 7 entries for the first 2 weeks of registration. If we haven’t hit our cap of 500 after 14 days, the limit will be removed for the reminder of the registration window.

Important dates to keep in mind:

Account Registration Now Open

Account registrations accepted 09/01/2024 through 11/09/2024
Registrations for judges or stewards accepted 09/01/2024 through 1/23/2024

Entry Registration

Entry registrations accepted 10/12/2024 through 11/09/2024

Entry Drop-Off

Entry bottles accepted at Dead Armadillo
10/26/2024 through 11/09/2024

Entry Shipping

Entry bottles accepted at Dead Armadillo
10/26/2024 through 11/09/2024.

Non-Judging Sessions

Sunday Check-in and Sort
11/10/2024 3:00 PM, CST

Monday Check-in and Sort
11/11/2024 5:00 PM, CST

Tuesday Check-in and Sort
11/12/2024 5:00 PM, CST

Wednesday Check-in and Sort
11/13/2024 5:00 PM, CST

Medal Sorting and Labeling
11/23/2024 4:00 PM, CST

Judging Sessions

11/17/2024 5:00 PM, CST.

11/18/2024 6:30 PM, CST.

11/19/2024 6:30 PM, CST.

11/20/2024 6:30 PM, CST.

11/22/2024 7:00 PM, CST.

Saturday AM
11/23/2024 9:00 AM, CST.

Saturday PM
11/23/2024 1:00 PM, CST.