It’s time for our annual FOAM Holiday/Christmas/[Insert What You Call It] Party!
There will be no tickets this year, no charge to attend. However, you must be a FOAM member or an adult guest of a FOAM member to attend. This year we are going with party foods rather than a sit-down dinner. Please bring something to eat: finger foods, holiday treats, any good party food! Of course, bring your homebrewed beer! We will have the FOAM jockey box ready to hook yours up.
This year’s party is on December 13th at Pippin’s Taproom at High Gravity. Toby will be tending bar for those who want to partake in High Gravity’s selection of beers/wine/mead. High Gravity is not charging an event fee for the use of the Taproom so please be sure to tip the bartender for his help in busing tables and taking care of things.
Festivities start at 7:30 and go till whenever. (We’ll probably kick you out if your still here at 1am.)
If for some crazy reason you don’t know where High Gravity is, here’s the address:
High Gravity
6808 S Memorial Dr Ste 146
Tulsa OK 74133