Fall competition update 2019

August is mead month and registration for the TSF the unofficial kick off to the Fall competition season (I can smell the corn dogs already)!!

With the Summer coming to an end, kids going back to school, crisp autumn weather off in the distance.  It is time to resume brewing for competitions (some of us never really stopped). Look for the following dates updated as we have more information.

  • We recently learned that the OKC State Fair home brew competition has been discontinued indefinitely.  This would have been early September event.
  • The Tulsa State Fair is currently alive and well.  Registration has begun and is open until 8/30. Take in will be Saturday, September 14, 2019, 8am – 5pm, Central Park Hall. Judging dates and volunteer info to follow.  Registration link https://www.tulsastatefair.com/p/getconnected/competitive-exhibits/adult-entries
  • The Sowers Cup hosted by the Lincoln Lagers and part of the High Plains Circuit.  Dates TBA but is usually in early October.  Look for a late September take in
  • Hoppy Halloween hosted by The Prairie Homebrewing Companions registration is open 9/13-10/13 Entries are $8 ea. 2 bottles per submission.  Entries due to High Gravity by 10/13 at 2 pm. Awards Ceremony will be held 10/26. Registration link http://hoppyhalloween.com/index.htm
  • FOAM cup registration open 9/28. deadline to High Gravity is 10/26 $8/entry.  Formal judging 11/4-11/9 wrapping up with the banquet and awards ceremony.  This event is one of the main revenue drivers for the club so volunteer anywhere you can, including but not limited to entering beers, judging, stewarding, and entry check in, to help Desiree and High Gravity out.  Enter early and enter often. Registration and entry details www.foamcup.us
  • Rumor is Land of the Muddy Waters is supposed to return this year but I haven’t heard a peep as of yet.  Historically late November – early December

Oktoberfesticuffs 2019 will be held at our October meeting on the 10th.  Any traditional German/Czech/Austrian bier style (lager or ale) can be entered.  Great trophies to be had 1 entry per person.  Please let me know if you are entering at least 3 days before the October meeting (email dthompson79@gmail.com with style and serving method) .  Surprise entries will not be considered for formal judging or trophies

After my first mead, which was an abysmal failure, I will be trying to turn 1 gallon of Tupelo honey into the nectar of the gods (Go big or go home. Right?) for next years competitions. Wish me luck


Your friendly neighborhood Competition VP